17. Diabetic Retinopathy: What Happens
High blood sugar levels damage the tiny blood vessels that support your retina. They can swell, break, and leak fluid. Sometimes dozens of new, abnormal blood vessels grow. This is called proliferative retinopathy. They're fragile and break open easily. Over time all this can damage the retina and cause blurred vision, blind spots, or blindness.
18. Cataracts: View
By age 80, more than half of us will have had a cataract, or cloudy lens. Your vision slowly gets foggy and it gets hard to read, drive, and see at night. Diabetes, smoking, or too much time in the sun raise your chances. Surgery that replaces the clouded lens with a man-made one works well.
19. Cataracts: What Happens
A healthy lens focuses light into a single spot on your retina. It captures the image like film in a camera. As you age, protein builds up in the lens. It gets cloudy and sends scattered rays of light to your retina. Instead of one sharp clear image you get blurred vision, changes in color vision, and glare, especially at night. Advanced cataracts are easy to see. It's the muddy-colored circle at the center of this picture.
20. Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)
You can inherit this disorder from your parents. It often begins with night vision problems. Next comes a slow loss of side vision. That becomes tunnel vision and finally, in some cases, blindness. It's uncertain whether vitamin A and/or fish oil supplements help improve this condition. More research is needed.
21. Retinitis Pigmentosa: What Happens
The light-sensitive tissue of the retina slowly breaks down over many years. As that happens, it no longer sends signals to your brain, and you lose some vision. Eye exams show abnormal dark spots (pigments) sprinkled around the retina. Early cataracts can also happen, along with a swelling of the retina called macular edema (the central orange mass shown here).
22. Floaters and Specks
Do you see blurry spots or specks that move? They're probably floaters -- debris in your eye's vitreous gel. They don't block vision and are easier to see in bright light. Floaters are common and usually harmless. See a doctor right away if:
They show up or multiply suddenly.
You also see flashes of light.
You see white or black spots all the time.
You notice a sudden shadow or loss of side vision.
23. Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
When you're a child, if one eye doesn't see well, your brain may favor the other. This condition, called amblyopia, can happen if your eyes aren't aligned right (strabismus or crossed eyes) or one eye just doesn't work as well. The doctor will prescribe a patch or drops that blur vision in the "good" eye. This prompts your brain to use the other eye. If amblyopia isn't treated during childhood, it can cause permanent vision loss.
24. Object in the Eye
Because so many nerve endings lie just beneath the surface or your cornea, even a tiny speck can be painful. Don't rub your eye, or you could cause serious damage. Wash it with non preserved sterile saline solution -- do not use regular tap water. If the object doesn't move, call a doctor. They can remove it and give you antibiotic drops to prevent an infection.
25. Tears and Dry Eye
Tears keep your eyes moist. Sometimes you don't have enough, either from dry air, aging, or other health conditions. Your eyes can get painful and irritated. Eye drops labeled artificial tears may do the trick for a mild case. If it's a bigger problem, you may benefit from other treatments, medications or nutritional supplements.
26. Pinkeye (Conjunctivitis)
This inflammation results from a virus, bacteria, irritant, or an allergic reaction. Your eye will get red and itch or burn. You'll also notice a gunky discharge. If your eye itches an allergy is probably to blame. The type you catch from other people is usually viral, so you won't need antibiotics. If your pinkeye is caused by bacteria, the doctor will give you antibiotic eye drops. Pinkeye can be very contagious, so wash your hands often while you wait for it to clear up.
27. Stye
This painful red bump looks like a pimple on or near the edge of your eyelid. It's a type of infection of the eyelids (the doctor will call it blepharitis). Styes usually heal in a week. You can speed things up by putting a warm, wet compress on it 3 to 6 times a day. Don't wear contacts or eye makeup until it heals.
28. Allergies
They can cause itchy, watery eyes. Pollen, grass, dust, weeds, and pet dander are common triggers. An allergy doctor can tell you what's to blame for yours. Keep your windows shut at home and in your car. You can get special pillow and mattress covers to keep allergens out. Clean your house thoroughly and use allergen filters in your furnace and air conditioner. Allergy eye drops, artificial tears, and antihistamines may help.
29. Keep Up With Your Eye Exams
You need regular checkups all through your life, especially if eye problems run in your family or if you have other risk factors. An eye exam can also find other problems, like diabetes and high blood pressure, or even a stroke or brain tumor. Bulging eyes can signal thyroid disease. A yellow tint in the whites of your eyes might be a sign of liver problems.
30. Prevent Sun Damage
UV rays can harm your eyes. Exposure can cause you to get cataracts 8-10 years earlier than normal. Just one long session in the sun can cause very painful irritation of your corneas. So wear a hat and sunglasses that block UV rays. You can add a clear, protective UV-blocking film to your car's side windows, too. If you have light-colored eyes you may be more sensitive to light. If it suddenly starts to bother you more than usual, call your eye doctor.
31. Stay Safe at Home
Grease splatters from a pan, yard debris flies up from the lawn mower, cleaning solution splashes in a bucket. Some of the greatest eye hazards are in the home. Eye doctors suggest everyone keep a pair of protective eyewear at home. Look for one approved by the American National Standards Institute. Even if an eye injury seems minor, go to the emergency room or your eye doctor right away to get it checked out.
32. Foods for Eye Health
Carrots really are good for your eyes. So are spinach, nuts, oranges, beef, fish, whole grains, many other things that make up a healthy diet. Look for foods with antioxidants like omega-3 fatty acids; vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene; as well as zinc, lutein, and zeaxanthin.