Questions about Myopia For Your Child
Questions about Myopia For Your Child Your child has to see an eye doctor on a regular basis if they have myopia, which is also referred to as nearsightedness or shortsightedness. If your child needs stronger glasses because their myopia has progressed, their optometrist or ophthalmologist will examine them. This is quite likely to occur because, once it begins in childhood, the illness often worsens every few months until the adolescent years at the latest.
You should be prepared with questions for these examinations so that you can learn about your child's myopia and your available treatment options.
Questions for Your Child’s Eye Doctor
Many things are on your mind if your child was recently diagnosed with myopia. To have a better understanding of the condition, consider asking the following questions:
What is myopia?
What causes myopia?
What are the signs of myopia?
How do you test for myopia?
How is myopia treated?
Does myopia get worse over time?
Can myopia progression be stopped or slowed down?
Does myopia lead to other vision problems?
How could myopia affect my child’s daily life?
Should my child see a specialist?
Inquire about the following if your child's eye doctor determines that they require corrective lenses:
How often should my child have an eye exam?
Can myopia be cured?
What is the goal of the treatment? Is it slowing myopia or only correction?
Are there alternatives to glasses for my child’s myopia?
Is laser treatment a possibility? When?
Is vision therapy an option?
Are contact lenses right for my child? How old should they be to wear them?
As your child gets older, you could have more queries, like:
How can I get my child to wear their glasses?
Is there an age when myopia stops progressing?
How do you measure myopia progression?
What are the complications of myopia or risks of other conditions?
What can I do at home to support my child’s myopia treatment?
Is there any way to track my child’s vision progress at home?
Can wearing glasses too much actually hurt my child’s vision?